Book Signing with Laura Holmes Haddad

Photo credit Christina McPherson

In recognition of Breast Cancer Awareness Month, Golden Gate OBGYN, along with UCSF Medical Center and cancer survivor & patient advocate Laura Holmes Haddad, invite you to join us for refreshements and conversation on what cancer patients need from those around them.  Laura is the author of This is Cancer: Everything You Need to Know, From the Waiting Room to the Bedroom. 

This informative event will take place on: Tuesday, October 25th, from 11:30 am to 1:00 pm,  at UCSF Radiology at Montgomery Street.

1725 Montgomery Street, 2nd Floor
San Francisco, CA 94111

You may register by clicking here.

Laura Holmes HaddadAbout Laura Holmes Haddad

I was 37 years old with two small kids when I was diagnosed with stage IV inflammatory breast cancer.

I’m a writer. I’m also a mom, wife, sister, and daughter. I write about food and wine (I’m a culinary school graduate and former cookbook editor), but since my battle with cancer, I write about what it’s like to be a patient. Becoming a cancer patient changed my perspective on everything, but particularly what’s it like to be a patient. When I’m not writing, I’m hanging out with my two kids and my husband in Northern California, chasing after our dog, cooking, going to the movies, reading, hiking, or paddle boarding. I’m a survivor/thriver, having completed a clinical trial chemotherapy drug in May 2015 with no sign of cancer returning.



For more information about this event, please click here to visit UCSF’s website.


B&W image of a stylish waiting room.

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