COVID Vaccine Update

We have received a lot of questions about the COVID Vaccination rollout and want to take a moment to give you an update on the rollout plan, including our best scheduling estimates.  

First, a little background.  Currently, vaccine allocations are set by the state Departments of Public health (DPH).  Local Health Departments then distribute the vaccines to clinics, hospitals and vaccination sites.  The rollout plan has had a slow and bumpy start, with fewer vaccinations delivered than expected, but we expect many details to be ironed out in the next couple of weeks as local scheduling infrastructure and vaccine delivery ramps up.  

The California DPH has adopted a phased vaccine rollout, attempting to prioritize vulnerable populations as well as normalize functioning of society.  Our local department of public health notifies us when we can move to the next phase.  

Phases 1A and 1B rely on specific employment types and age criteria for vaccination. We expect the Department of Public Health will permit us to move to Phase 1C by late spring or summer.  In Phase 1C, we will prioritize individuals with high risk medical conditions.  

The California DPH has not finalized their recommendations for what qualifies as a high risk medical condition.  It is expected to be similar to the recommendations by the CDC. Most likely, “proof” of your medical condition will be your personal attestation.  We cannot write letters on your behalf indicating that you qualify for prioritization outside the California DPH criteria. 

We recognize that there are a number of conditions and personal circumstances that are not listed above that may pose an increased risk.  We encourage you to opt for vaccination at your earliest eligible opportunity, whether that is at your doctor’s office, a county site or your site of employment.  To prepare for your vaccination, please familiarize yourself with the local opportunities for vaccination.  Please check the county(s) where you reside and work for vaccination opportunities, any hospital systems where you receive care, and your primary care physician.  Golden Gate Obstetrics & Gynecology does not have vaccines at this time. We will continue to update you as more information becomes available.

Bay Area Counties: 

Alameda County:

Marin County:

San Mateo County:  

San Francisco County:

Santa Clara County:

Hospital updates: 

UCSF: Click here for more information about vaccine opportunities 

Kaiser: Click here for an e-visit to schedule your vaccination 

Sutter Healthcare: Click here to schedule a vaccination; 

About Dr. Agbai

Natasha Agbai is a board certified pediatrician at Discover Health in San Francisco.  Discover Health is a membership-based practice, offering direct 24/7 access to outstanding physicians by email, cell phone and text. It is an union of pediatric, adult, and naturopathic primary care physicians, formed with a mission to provide integrative 24/7 personalized care. Located in San Francisco and San Mateo and offers house calls in the Bay area.  The practice’s dedicated team of physicians focus primarily on disease prevention and maintaining wellness.


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