Required Blood Tests for Female Partner
- Follicle-stimulating hormone must be drawn on cycle day two or three
- Estradiol must be drawn on cycle day two or three
- Thyroid-stimulating hormone
- Prolactin
Semen Analysis for Male Partner
Semen analysis evaluates volume, concentration, motility and morphology. Abstain from ejaculation for three to five days prior to giving a sample.
Test Results
If within normal limits, begin Clomid.
Beginning Clomid
Start Clomiphene (Clomid or Serophene) at 50 mg or one tablet per day for five days, beginning on day three of menstrual cycle. If you experience side effects, it may be helpful to take Clomid before going to sleep.
Take one to two teaspoons of Robitussin cough medicine every four to six hours for two to three days during ovulation (days 13 and 14) to thin out mucous.
Ovulation Kit
We recommend Clear Blue Easy or First Response to determine your fertile time. Ovulation kits should be used with your first morning urine, beginning around day 10 of a 28-day cycle, or according to package directions.
Have intercourse on the day of the color change and every day or every other day for approximately one week. Sperm can survive in the vaginal mucous for up to three days.
Serum Progesterone Blood Test
This test is done seven to eight days after the color change to check ovulation. If you’re not ovulating, you may increase Clomid to two tablets daily for five days.
Urine Pregnancy Test
A urine pregnancy test is done two to three days after your period is due.
Positive Pregnancy Test
If your pregnancy test is positive, make an appointment for your first prenatal visit around 8 to 10 weeks.
Negative Pregnancy Test
If your pregnancy test is negative, start Clomid again with the next cycle. Call our office for progesterone blood test results to determine dosage.
Your physician may recommend that you have a hysterosalpingogram. During a hysterosalpingogram, dye is injected inside the cervix, which leads to the uterus and fallopian tubes, through a thin plastic tube. X-rays will be taken to detect blocked tubes, fibroids, polyps or scar tissue.