San Francisco Parental Leave Ordinance

What is the New San Francisco Parental Leave Ordinance (SF PPLO)?

Beginning January 1, 2017, employers located in San Francisco must integrate wages for six weeks for new parents. To be eligible for paid parental leave upon the birth or adoption of a child, an employee must work at least 8 hours per week and conduct at least 40% of his or her work within the city of San Francisco. Leave will be provided to both mothers and fathers, same-sex and opposite-sex couples.  For employers who offer a more generous paid parental leave benefit, San Francisco’s law will not apply. Typically, most employers supplement the six week PFL period.

San Francisco Parental Leave Law will take effect for the following below:

  • Effective 1/1/17 – Companies with 50 or more employees
  • Effective 7/1/17 – Companies with 35 – 49 employees
  • Effective 1/1/18 – Companies with 20 or more employees

How Much is my San Francisco Employer Going to Supplement?

If your company has a more generous parental leave policy in place, this may not apply to you. For everyone else working in San Francisco in a company with 20 or more employees, this will apply. Currently, benefits available under State PFL program are currently capped at $1,173 per week, which is 55% of $2,133 per week. An employer is not required to provide Supplemental Compensation that exceeds the state cap on PFL benefits. (For example: an employee who receives the maximum State PFL benefit of $1,173 per week, an employer’s Supplemental Compensation obligation under SF PPLO will be capped at $960 per week, which is 45% of $2,133 per week). That means people who make $110,916 or less a year will receive full paid leave during those six weeks, but those who earn more than that will receive less than full paid leave.

Remember, an employer’s obligation to provide supplemental compensation will not occur until you provide them what your PFL weekly benefit amount is. On the supplemental coverage form, found here, it is recommended by the State that you provide or authorize the state to disclose this information to your employer (section 2, check both options 1 & 2).

What if I Quit My Job and Do Not Return to Work After My Maternity Leave? 

As a precondition to receiving Supplemental Compensation, eligible employees are required to sign a form requiring them to reimburse the employer for the full amount of Supplemental Compensation received if you voluntarily separate from your company within 90 days of the end of your leave.

For further questions about your specific maternity leave or about SF PPLO, please contact Cynthia at, or by calling her at 415-831-2173.

San Francisco Paid Parental Leave Form


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