Breast Pumps

Most PPO/HMO-plans offer a double electric breast pump for you to keep at 100% coverage (you will NOT pay any money out-of-pocket). This is usually limited to ONE PUMP per pregnancy.

Contact Your Insurance Company Directly

 Your insurance carrier should be contracted with either one, two or several different breast pump companies to provide you with a breast pump. You will need to contact your insurance carrier to find out the names of the companies so you may contact them, research the breast pump options, and then decide which one you want. Once you have decided on a breast pump & company, please contact our Prescription Coordinator, Rhonda and she will fax a physician’s order.

Please contact Rhonda Bryant with your preference via online portal or call her directly at: 415.831.2190 should you have any questions.


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1725 Montgomery Street
Suite 200
San Francisco, CA 94111

Tel: (415) 666-1250
Fax: (415) 398-2696